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2019-2020 School Year Theme
Last year’s theme, “Anchored in the Eucharist,” is being carried over to this year, only more specifically we will focus on being “Anchored in the Mass.” The school children will be engaged in learning more about Our Lady of Knock, who  is  represented  in  the  front  of  our  church,  and  the  whole  vision  that happened in Knock, Ireland back in 1879. The apparition is a vision of the Mass on many levels. Each heavenly figure shown in the apparition has a witness to offer when it comes to our own demeanor at Mass today. We will have ongoing catechesis regarding the importance and value of attending Mass every weekend which is required and a privilege for each Catholic. Why is this so?

The people of Ireland in the later part of the 1800’s were going through intense religious  persecution  in  addition  to  their  resources  for  survival  being  taken away.  They were relegated to a life of helpless hopelessness. Heaven opens up in their  time  of  desolation  and  shows  them  what  no  one  can  steal. They  are shown the heavenly figures of Mary, Joseph, John the Evangelist and Jesus, the Lamb  of  Sacrifice...they  are  shown  the  Mass.  It  is  in  the  Mass  that  we  are guaranteed  that  heaven  and  earth  come  together.    In  that  meeting,  hope  is offered, comfort is served, nourishment for our souls is accomplished, guidance and purpose for our lives is achieved.  As Pope Saint John Paul II has said “In that tiny Host is the solution to all the problems of the world.”  

BOOK RECOMMENDATION –The Weight of the Mass
In addition to our school theme and to support the importance of the Mass in our lives. Our school liturgy club will be working through this children’s book.  It offers a good explanation of offering our Mass for the intentions of others. It also provides a simple yet profound explanation of how our prayer and faith impacts the lives of those around us.  I highly recommend this book, a good story to read to your children and grandchildren. The Weight of the Mass by Josephine Nobisso ... the pictures are well done too!
Fr. Tom