Family Faith Formation



On April 28, 2024, the Religious Education Office Staff announced that FAMILY FAITH FORMATION replaces PSR (the Parish School of Religion) at St. Brendan Parish starting in September 2024.  See below for the information that was shared in the bulletins at St. Brendan and St. Richard Parishes.

Family Faith Formation Registration Form 2024-2025

For the 2024-2025 academic year, registration forms for Family Faith Formation are due to the Religious Education Office no later than August 15, 2024.  

Family Faith Formation materials fees are due no later than September 30, 2024.  Cash, checks (made payable to St. Brendan Parish), and credit card payments (a 3% transaction fee is added to all credit card payments) are accepted. Scholarships and payment plans are available – contact Mary Oldja for more information.

Credit Card Form

Contact the Religious Education Office Staff with any questions:

Mary Oldja, Director of Religious Education – 440.777.7222 extension 27

Nancy Yantek, Religious Education Assistant – 440.777.7222 extension 13

[email protected]

New PSR Program Information from April 28, 2024 Bulletin

From the Desk of the Director of Religious Education

In January of this year, after many months of conversation and prayer, Nancy Yantek (our Religious Education Office Secretary) and I shared a presentation with Fr. Tom. Our presentation outlined the challenges of the current Parish School of Religion (PSR) program. Please note, these challenges are NOT unique to St. Brendan Parish as many parishes struggle with the same issues. Using the Catechetical Models for Children and Young People promulgated by Bishop Edward Malesic for use in the Diocese of Cleveland in August 2022 as our guide, Nancy and I presented a new path for religious education at the parish. I am excited to share with you the plans for Family Faith Formation, which replaces both In-Person PSR and Home School PSR at St. Brendan Parish for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Family Faith Formation combines the best parts of our In-Person PSR and Home School PSR as well as adding additional opportunities to enhance every member of the family’s faith life.

Family Faith Formation will begin each September and will consist of the following: a monthly Family Mass; monthly family faith formation sessions (held on Sunday mornings and Monday evenings the second week of each month) where all family members from all participating families will join together for a prayer experience, lesson, and activities to take home to work on together; time will be spent at home each week with the families reading the Sunday Gospel together and exploring various aspects of our faith using the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies as a guide; and family service opportunities will be offered throughout the year. When discussing Family Faith Formation these past three months with the parish staff, PSR staff, and Parish Council, I described it as a family of families growing in faith together through prayer, time for learning, and family activities. 

Family Faith Formation, while meeting in person at St. Brendan only once each month, will involve family time each week throughout the academic year. Family Faith Formation expands the ages of those who can participate in religious education offered through the parish - no longer are we limited to only students in 1st -8 th grades, but Preschool and Kindergarten students can participate as well as high school aged and adult family members. Family Faith Formation, while created to serve the families with students enrolled in the public or non-Catholic schools, is open to any family who would like to participate.

Registration for Family Faith Formation opened this week. Please feel free to contact me in the Religious Education Office – 440.777.2222 extension 27 or [email protected]. I am excited to answer your questions, help your family enroll, and include you in the creation of our monthly session prayer experiences and lessons!

St. Brendan Parish

4242 Brendan Lane
North Olmsted, Ohio 44070
P: 440-777-7222 | F: 440-799-7997
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