Little Dresses for Africa


St.Brendan’s Altar and Rosary 

Thank you for all you do to make our ministry so successful. We’re excited to have the opportunity to provide our Dresses and Shorts again to a Christian mission, Ancient Path, going to Malawi, Africa this summer. Ancient Path has used the arts to communicate God's love and to lift the heads of the oppressed. We annually sew over 1,200 dresses and shorts for needy boys and girls. It’s a real team effort, from cutting, assembling and finally sewing. We then work with various Christian medical & habitat mission groups that travel the world helping the poor and underserved. 

Right now we are in desperate need of 100% cotton fabric, at least 1 yard or more. These donations can be dropped off in the usher’s room in St. Brendan, St. Richard, or St. Clarence.  


Little Dresses meets in the craft room of St. Clarence on the first and second Wednesday of every month from 9-11 AM.  GREAT NEWS!  The ushers’ room at St. Brendan Church is now open to pick up dress kits and return finished items. Thank you to the very dedicated individuals that made this possible. Your work shines beyond this mission and radiates into communities around the world.  Many Blessings!

Jesus, I seek ways to serve you this day knowing you offer the strength of your Holy Spirit to do with a loving heart. 

For more information St. Brendan contacts:

Rita Backus [email protected] 

Cynthia Farkas [email protected] 

Debbie Holdash [email protected]


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St. Brendan Parish

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