Field Trips

Field Trips

students in front of barn
The objective of Field Trips is to broaden students’ educational experiences. They give students a chance to connect classroom lessons to real-life experiences and tangible artifacts. Adequate preparation and advanced notice is given to inform parents/students of any requirements for the trip. The school uniform is worn unless the teacher and/or administration states otherwise.

Students are required to follow the guidelines stated by the teacher/administration on field trips. Students will be allowed to attend field trips only if the school has the written consent of the parents, through the use of the school permission slip. Parent drivers must complete and sign the necessary forms prior to the day of the trip. A copy of your driver’s license and proof of insurance is mandatory. Drivers must be at least 21 years of age.

Parents who accompany students on school-sponsored activities have the authority to enforce rules of safety/conduct and need to follow the agenda that the teacher has supplied. Parents must adhere to the agenda provided by the teacher.

Attendance on each field trip is left to the discretion of the student’s teacher/administration. If a student does not attend the field trip, they will remain at school and the teacher will assign work.

St. Brendan School

4242 Brendan Lane
North Olmsted, Ohio 44070
P: 440-777-8433 | F: 440-779-7997
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