Parent Volunteer Opportunities

Parents may volunteer in a variety of capacities. The type of volunteering depends on your time, availability and interest level. Following is a list of some of the ways that parents may volunteer. However, other occasions are advertised throughout the school year as they arise.

If you are interested in taking on a leadership role or join a commitee for an activity, please contact the school office (440) 777-8433
or email the school secretary [email protected]

  • Art Class Aide
  • Book Fair (winter/spring)
  • Breakfast with St. Nicholas
  • Catholic School Week
  • Club Moderator
  • Dads & Donuts
  • Easter Egg Hunt & Breakfast
  • Grandparents' Day Reception
  • Jr. High Theater Production
  • Library Aide
  • Lunch/Recess "band-aide": take care of bumps and bruises
  • Morning with Mom
  • North Olmsted Homecoming Days' Parade & Midway Booth
  • PTU (see PTU Information)
  • Room Parent
  • Spirit Day
  • Supervise Field Trips

VIRTUS: Protecting God's Children 

"The Protecting God's Children program consists of many components. The education component helps prevent child sexual abuse by first making every adult employee and volunteer aware of the issues surrounding child sexual abuse.

This includes awareness of the many ways that sexual abuse harms its victims, their families, the parish, and the community. The awareness session also helps adults learn to recognize the warning signs of abuse, and shows them the appropriate way to respond to such behavior. Finally, the awareness session empowers each with five steps to help prevent child sexual abuse."
Adults who work with and/or volunteer with children in the Diocese of Cleveland must complete the requirements of the VIRTUS program that includes attending the VIRTUS Training Session (no cost) and having a fingerprint/background check.

To register for a session go to Contact the school office at 440.777.8433 for more information.

St. Brendan School

4242 Brendan Lane
North Olmsted, Ohio 44070
P: 440-777-8433 | F: 440-779-7997
 email us
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