School Safety Plan

We are blessed at St. Brendan Parish School to foster an atmosphere that is anchored in the Catholic Tradition of Sacraments, prayer, social justice, intellectual advancement, and social development.  Because of our faith, we are allowed to focus on the whole person when it comes to our students, including their spiritual development. This is why St. Brendan School has an atmosphere of peace, a discipline that is courteous, and an attitude that is inviting. As a parish staff and school staff we are committed to preserving what we have, and we are committed to safeguarding all those who work, study, volunteer, or visit our campus. The following list shows our dedication and commitment to have a confident response plan regarding the preservation of our school’s safety.

Mass and prayer

Every day our school community prays together and learns some aspect of our Catholic faith in which we enable them to integrate into their lives. Twice a month our school community attends a weekday Mass.  We teach the importance and obligation of all Catholics to attend Mass every Sunday. These are foundational aspects of a family, a community, a society that is rooted in peace.  These actions, to a Catholic Christian, fosters concern and care for others as we partake of the Body and Blood of Christ. The Mass and daily prayer are building blocks in preserving a safe and peaceful environment within our school and within our society.

MARCS Radio (Multi Agency Radio Communication System)

With the installation of this system in our building, we are directly and instantly connected to our North Olmsted safety forces in case of an emergency. 

Emergency Operation Plan (EOP)

The purpose of the EOP is to provide information on how to respond to emergency incidents by outlining the responsibilities and duties of employees of St. Brendan School. This plan is reviewed on a regular basis so that we can be prepared and proactive in responding effectively in any unfortunate event.  

Video Surveillance cameras, stationed around the building enable us to view any activity on our property 24/7. 

A.L.I.C.E. (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate)

St. Brendan School has adopted the A.L.I.C.E. program which is designed to proactively handle threats of an aggressive intruder. 

The faculty & staff of both the school and parish have been trained in A.L.I.C.E. by the North Olmsted Police Department (NOPD). 

Visitors / Door Security

St. Brendan School is a secured building.  All visitors need to ring the doorbell in order to be permitted to enter. Office personnel is able to see and speak with individuals through the camera and intercom system to determine if entrance into the building is necessary.  After admittance, they need to sign in at the office and wear a visitor badge for identification purposes to the rest of the school community. 

Emergency Drills

Fire, tornado, rapid, reverse, and intruder alert drills are held throughout the year. Our North Olmsted Police Department have trained us that while nothing can be a fool-proof remedy to every threatening event, hands-on training and discussing/practicing possible scenarios can make us, as parish and school leaders, more confident, aware, and ready to protect and even evade possible hazardous situations that may come our way.

May the Guardian Angels, Sts. Brendan and Ita along with Mother Mary and all the saints watch over us and keep us under the divine care of our Heavenly Father. 

St. Brendan School

4242 Brendan Lane
North Olmsted, Ohio 44070
P: 440-777-8433 | F: 440-779-7997
 email us
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